Delivery Information

Shipping Areas

Currently, we can only ship products to the continental United States. Subsequent adjustments will be announced on the website.We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our customers.

What are the shipment methods?

USPS First-Class Package: Free for all orders.

Estimated transit time after shipment: 3-5 business days.

Note: Shipping time is calculated from the moment the goods are shipped.

Once your product has been shipped, you will receive an email with the tracking number of your order.

If you have not received your product for more than 60 natural days after we process your order, please contact us by sending an email to and we will provide you with a refund or reship and reimburse you with a $3 coupon.

Order Processing

Handling time: 1-2 business days. Our order cutoff time is 17:00 (EST), Monday – Friday. On Friday, orders after 17:00 (EST) will be processed and shipped next Monday. (holiday extension).

If the order takes too long to process (more than 10 business days without special note), you have two options: we will issue a direct refund or arrange delivery as soon as possible and reimburse you with a $5 coupon.